Gradle - Ant - third party driver


I have an ant build file (build.xml) with a sql task.

<sql driver=“org.netezza.Driver”


and so on

The jar file for the driver is available in standard network location, say, S:\JDBC

Now if I want to call the SQL task from Gradle, I’m trying to do

in my build.gradle


gradle db

Execution failed for task ‘:db’. Cause: Class Not Found: JDBC driver org.netezza.Driver could not be loaded Cause: org.netezza.Driver

How can I make gradle load the their party jar file?

I tried several things suggested like.

buildscript {

repositories {

flatDir(name: ‘driver’, dirs: “S:/JDBC”)


dependencies {

classpath name: ‘nzjdbc’

} }

  1. Copied the jar file to lib directory of gradle.

  2. How to add external jar files to gradle build script - Stack Overflow

  3. buildscript {

repositories {

flatDir(name: ‘driver’, dirs: “C:/JDBC”)


dependencies {

classpath name: ‘nzjdbc’

} }

  1. Few other things i found online, like using groovy class loader.

Nothing seems to be working, any help is highly appreciated.

Hey, can you be more specific with the question? :slight_smile:

Sorry, this is strange, I had a whole message typed up and for some reason only 1 line showed up. (may be i didn’t confirm email before posting)

Here is it again.

I need to execute an ant target from within gradle and here is simplified example of what I’m trying to do.

build.xml -

<sql driver=“org.netezza.Driver”





select now();


buildscript {

repositories {

flatDir(name: ‘driver’, dirs: “S:/JDBC”)


dependencies {

classpath name: ‘nzjdbc’

} }


— Now when I try to do

gradle db

I get the following message.

Cause: Class Not Found: JDBC driver org.netezza.Driver could not be loaded Cause: org.netezza.Driver

I tried various things like

  1. Copying the driver jar file to gradle lib directory - didn’t help

  2. Tried various suggestions after searching online.


  1. Tried suggested method under file management section

  2. Tried using classloader example i found online.

Class driverClass = loader.loadClass(‘org.netezza.Driver’)

configurations {

driver }

repositories {

flatDir name: ‘localRepository’, dirs: ‘lib’ }

dependencies {

driver name: ‘nzjdbc’ }

configurations.driver.each {

File file ->



Nothing works. I think i’m missing something very basic here. Any help is highly appreciated.

Forgot to mention, to run it from ant, all i had to do is put jdbc.jar file CLASSPATH env and it works fine.

At a later point I would like to point gradle to different places where a whole bunch of jar files are located that are needed to run various ant tasks.