Could not connect to the database using JDBC driver

Continuing the discussion from Is it possible to execute sql scripts via gradle and get responses if the execution was successful or not?:

I am using exactly the same thing as mentioned in this topic. Following is my code:

buildscript {
       repositories {
        flatDir name: 'localRepository', dirs: 'lib'
    configurations {
    dependencies {
        driver group: 'sql', name: 'sqljdbc42'

URLClassLoader loader = GroovyObject.class.classLoader
configurations.driver.each { File file ->

task connectToCoreDb << {
    def props = [user: 'sa', password: 'shock', allowMultiQueries: 'true'] as Properties
    def connectionUrl = "jdbc:sqlserver://cpt-op-01-db1:1433;databaseName=buds"
    def driver = ''
    def sql = Sql.newInstance(connectionUrl, props, driver) "Closing connection..."

Please help me in this as I am stuck on this error for a very long time. It is throwing this error:

Caused by: org.gradle.api.internal.MissingMethodException: Could not find method
driver() for arguments [{group=sql, name=sqljdbc42}] on org.gradle.api.internal

Found the solution, it was failing because I needed to define ‘driver’ dependency’s version(though it does not exist). Following is the working code:

buildscript {
       repositories {
        flatDir name: 'localRepository', dirs: 'lib'
    configurations {
    dependencies {
        driver group: 'sql', name: 'sqljdbc42', version:''

URLClassLoader loader = GroovyObject.class.classLoader
configurations.driver.each { File file ->

task connectToCoreDb << {
    def props = [user: 'sa', password: 'shock', allowMultiQueries: 'true'] as Properties
    def connectionUrl = "jdbc:sqlserver://cpt-op-01-db1:1433;databaseName=buds"
    def driver = ''
    def sql = Sql.newInstance(connectionUrl, props, driver) "Closing connection..."