FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':foo:bar:ideaModule'.
> Problems reading data from Binary store in /private/var/folders/rb/lvpw6l952pg1g85m4p3jzgf80000gp/T/gradle311424350957547533.bin (exist: true)
The failure is always happening in the same module.
Can you run gradle dependencies in this module and put the results in gist/pastebin? I’m curious if there’s anything interesting about the dependencies.
Does the idea task also fail when when you run it only for this failing module? 2. What if you remove this dependency temporarily and run the idea task, does the task still fails?
yes, with modifications to work externally. Oddly, after a few tweaks it imported fine. The biggest difference that I can tell is that it didn’t resolve using the Artifactory plugin and instead used public repositories. My best guess now is that the Artifactory plugin may be interacting with it oddly, but I haven’t explored that yet.