Gradle 1.6-rc1: JacocoMerge - destinationFile deprecated

I tested the embedded jacoco plugin (I was previously using Andrew’s plugin) and now when I want to merge the executionData files from multiple subprojects I get a warning:

Deprecated dynamic property: "destinationFile" on "task ':mergeTestCodeCoverageResults'", value: "D:\projects\myproject...".

This is the old code (using Andrew’s plugin):

task mergeTestCodeCoverageResults(type: JacocoMerge) {
  description = 'Merge test code coverage results from all java projects'
  destPath = "${buildDir.path}/jacoco/test/office.exec"
  doFirst {delete destPath}
  executionData fileTree("${buildDir}/jacoco/test")

And this is the new code (using the embedded jacoco plugin):

task mergeTestCodeCoverageResults(type: JacocoMerge) {
  description = 'Merge test code coverage results from all java projects'
  destinationFile = file("${buildDir.path}/jacoco/test/office.exec")
  doFirst {delete destinationFile}
  executionData fileTree("${buildDir}/jacoco/test")

I checked the documentation for gradle 1.6-rc1 but there are no examples of merging jacoco execution data files. I also checked the source code and it seems that I should use:


// ...
 * File to write merged execution data to.
File destinationFile
// ...

Any ideas how can I set the destinationFile? Or should I just leave the default?