I have found Justin Ryan’s code example and the following hack seems to work.
def scopeToConfMapping = [compile: 'compile', runtime: 'runtime', testRuntime: 'test']
def scopeResolutionMap = scopeToConfMapping.collectEntries { confName, scope ->
Configuration runtimeConfiguration = project.configurations.getByName(confName)
ResolutionResult resolution = runtimeConfiguration.incoming.resolutionResult // Forces resolve of configuration
Map<ModuleIdentifier, ResolvedComponentResult> resolutionMap = resolution.getAllComponents().collectEntries { ResolvedComponentResult versionResult ->
[versionResult.moduleVersion.module, versionResult]
[scope, resolutionMap]
asNode().dependencies[0]?.get('dependency')?.each() { dep ->
String pomVer = dep.get("version").text();
String name = dep.get("artifactId").text();
String group = dep.get("groupId").text();
String scope = dep.get("scope").text();
def id = new org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.DefaultModuleIdentifier(group, name)
ResolvedComponentResult versionResult = scopeResolutionMap.get(scope).get(id)
if(versionResult != null) {
if (!dep.version) {
dep.appendNode('version', versionResult.moduleVersion.version)
} else {
dep.version[0].value = versionResult.moduleVersion.version
} else {
if (pomVer.isEmpty()) {
throw new StopExecutionException("Unable to find dependency version to put into pom.xml (dependency: $group:$name)")
Nevertheless I hope there is a better way. It should be a part of ‘maven-publish’ plugin - pom.xml generation is crucial to put the artifacts into an artifacts repository…