Getting error while running same gradle task with different XML file using TestNG

I am trying to run a single gradle task in different stage parallelly. I am using testng to run the different XML file and it is parameterized.
While running the test one of the build fails because i am getting
Could not write XML test results for com.channels.EditChannelTests to file /mnt/chrome/build/reports/tests/smoke_tks_6_12/TEST-channels.EditChannelTests.xml.

Although there are other tests whose file were successfully added in the output folder.

Here is my gradle task

task runParallel(type: Test) {
	description = 'Runs the regression suite for Kep+ UI tests for TKS 1.9'
	ignoreFailures = true 	
	/* pass all the system properties: */
    systemProperties = System.getProperties()
    useTestNG() {
		useDefaultListeners = false
    	options {
       		// listeners << 'org.testng.reporters.XMLReporter'
    testLogging { 
     	showStandardStreams = true
     	events 'started', 'passed', 'failed'