I’ve a resource in buildSrc/src/main/resources
which I want to load with getResourceAsStream(...)
I’m currently doing the following in my kts-file:
fun registerApplyPatchToRepoTask(patch: String) =
tasks.registering {
group = "migration (internal)"
doLast {
val patchInputStream = CleanJrxmlsTask::class.java.getResourceAsStream(patch)
val patchPath = layout.buildDirectory.file("tmp/repo.patch").get().asFile.toPath()
Files.copy(patchInputStream, patchPath, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING)
exec {
commandLine("git", "am", patchPath)
Where CleanJrxmlsTask
is a class located in buildSrc/src/main/kotlin
My issue: As the task has nothing to do with CleanJrxmlsTask
, CleanJrxmlsTask::class.java.getResourceAsStream(patch)
doesn’t feel clean. But I cannot use java.getResourceAsStream(patch)
, as this would refer to org.gradle.api.DefaultTask_Decorated
, so the code would try to load the resource from the wrong module.
So is there another object / class I could use?