First project with Kotlin Script - Migrating from Groovy


I have just created my first Android Studio project that uses Kotlin script. All previous projects have been using Groovy. Most things seem to work, but I have this problem. In my ~/.gradle/ I declare: = 35

And in my build.gradle, under android.defaultConfig I do:

targetSdk findProperty(“”) as Integer

This does not seem to work in Kotlin script. I get: “Unresolved reference: findProperty”. What is the correct syntax here? I prefer doing it this way so that I can update the targetSdk of all projects I am working on in one go.

findProperty works fine, you just should not try to copy over a Groovy snippet to a Kotlin file 1:1 that will quite often not work, because these are different langauges.

If you for example add the missing = after the targetSdk, the “Unresolved reference” is replaced by the next problem.

One way to write it for example is

targetSdk = "${findProperty("")}".toInt()

Thank you. But moving forward - the same syntax doesn’t seem to work in settings.gradle.kts. I need to use gpr.user and gpr.key from my ~/.gradle/ to download dependencies from a private Github Package Repository. These are used in a maven.credentials {} block in dependencyResolutionManagement.repositories.

First of all, findProperty doesn’t work here, only getProperty.
Second, this doesn’t set the username and password:

            username = "${getProperty("gpr.user")}"
            password = "${getProperty("gpr.key")}"

I get “Redundant string template” here. With the String template, I get a 401 code back from Github, signifying authentication is not working. Without the String template, I get “username is null” error.

How about asking your IDE or JavaDoc or even Google instead of asking here?
Not doing so is one of the main charecteristics of a help vampire.

Settings neither have a findProperty nor getProperty method.
I actually wonder that it compiles for you, it does not for me.

If there were no dot in the property name, you could use property delegation (val foo: String by settings or val foo: String? by settings).
You can also use the same technique in build scripts (val foo: String by project or val foo: String? by project).
But with dotted properties it is different.
There you can for example use findProperty or getProperty in build scripts, in settings scripts you need to use the provider-method (which you could also use in the build script, just does not really make sense there), so

username = providers.gradleProperty("gpr.user").get()
password = providers.gradleProperty("gpr.key").get()

But actually, for repository credentials you should neither in Groovy nor Kotlin DSL use such things, but use the built-in credentials support: Supported Protocols