Fail to resolve dependencies using Artifactory in console

Hello, I have weird situation here: First I have configured Artifactory by creating remote, local repositories and virtual repositories. Then I have added all setting to build in gradle as below:

buildscript {
  repositories {
    maven {
      url ''
      credentials {
        username = "admin"
        password = "AP8S4FpSYps4uNCHXjnBCzpnfBm"
        maven = true
 dependencies {
        classpath(group: 'org.jfrog.buildinfo', name: 'build-info-extractor-gradle', version: '2.0.12')
      artifactory {
     //The base Artifactory URL if not overridden by the publisher/resolver
  contextUrl =''
  publish {
    repository {
     repoKey = 'lib-release-local'
      username = "admin"
      password = "AP8S4FpSYps4uNCHXjnBCzpnfBm"
      maven = true
    resolve {
    repository {
      repoKey = 'FrontEnd-repo'
      username = "admin"
      password = "AP8S4FpSYps4uNCHXjnBCzpnfBm"
      maven = true
  dependencies {
  gwt ComGoogleGwtGID+':gwt-servlet:'+gwtVersion
  gwt ComGoogleGwtGID+':gwt-dev:'+gwtVersion
  gwt ComGoogleGwtGID+':gwt-user:'+gwtVersion
  gwt ( group:'javax.validation', name:'validation-api', version:'1.1.0.Final', classifier:'sources' )
  gwt 'gwt-visualization:gwt-visualization:00'
  gwt 'gson:gson:2.1'
//many dependencies

Well from Eclipse, I have succeeded in resolving dependencies from Artifactory but my problem that gradle doesn’t resolve these dependencies via command line using the the console. Even after cleaning the gradle caches and execute this command line:

gradle --refresh-dependencies

Gradle download only the plugin relative dependencies and return a build successful without download the others dependencies.

Thank you!!

Gradle downloads dependencies just-in-time when they are first used. Calling ‘gradle’ without any task only requires buildscript dependencies to be resolved.

Thank you so much Peter. It works fine now!!