Hello i will drop there a problem that I cant resolved
I’m not an Android developer, but the message seems to be pretty obvious to me.
- your project defines
16 - your project uses
library -
library definesminSdk
This is not compatible as your app could run on sdk 16 where the library you use is not supported.
So the error suggests that you increase your projects minSdk
to at least 23 or to use a different library that also supports sdk 16.
Or alternatively configure the build to ignore that conflict, for example when you ensure that you only use the library when at least on sdk 23.
I know but im lost about it i dont know how to do the error i need to resolved it
The error tells you three ways to fix it and I also mentioned them again.
What did you try and why did it not work out?
I check the file but the file drop the minsdk:23
I don’t understand what you are saying, sorry
I check the problem into the file but i dont understand
I’m really sorry but I still don’t understand what you are saying.
Maybe try it with a few more words and maybe an example?
Hmmm, I open the file AndroidManifest.xml and the file got 23 and not 16 but i didnt see the problem and how to solved it
Ah, now I understand you but unfortunately I cannot help, as I said, I’m not an Android developer, just interpreted the error message. If you look at the correct file and it says minSdk 23 then this sounds strange to me.
Thats why i dont understand the error I will wait for a new response
It says there is a compiler error, scroll up to the compiler output
Why are you hijacking a foreign thread with a completely unrelated question? That is pretty rude. I suggest you delete your comment and start an own thread. Besides that the error message seems to be pretty clear.