EJB jar is included twice, once in WAR and once in EAR

I have the following simple structure for an ear project:

├── ear
│   └── build.gradle
├── ejb
│   └── build.gradle
├── master
│   └── settings.gradle
└── web
    └── build.gradle

You can find the build files and everything here:

There are files in the web project that have a compile time dependency on files from the ejb project, namely the EJBs the webapp classes want to use. When I configure the project this way, the ejb.jar ends up twice in the ear and thus gives an error while deploying, because WELD finds multiple implementations of a specific class.

How do I have to configure the war project so that this does not happen?

Do you mean that ejb.jar show ups directly within the ear and also within web.war?

If you want to ensure that ejb.jar is not included within web.war even though it is a compile time dependency, then you want to use the providedCompile configuration in the dependencies instead of compile.

providedCompile project(':ejb')

If you really have the ejb.jar file in the ear file twice at the top level, that’s something that I’ve not encountered before.
