Download previously published jar from private maven repository

Hi all
I have to download a previously published jar file from a private maven repository and upload/publish it to another private maven repository. I tried the following:

repositories {
    maven {
        url = ''
        credentials {
            username = 'my-user'
            password = 'my-password'

configurations {
    download { transitive = false }

dependencies {
    download "${}:${}:${project.version}"

task downloadPackage(type:Copy) {
    into "${buildDir}/libs"

task upload(dependsOn: downloadPackage) {
    doFirst {

However, the download does not work since the dependency resolution tries to find the jar file locally over the implicit project dependency, i.e.

./gradlew my-sub-project:dependencies --configuration download

> Task :my-sub-project:dependencies

        Project :my-sub-project

\--- my-group:my-sub-project:1.0.0 -> project :my-sub-project (*)

(*) - dependencies omitted (listed previously)

I tried to substitute the project dependency with the following modification to avoid the dependency omitting, but without success

configurations {
    download {
        transitive = false
        resolutionStrategy {
            dependencySubstitution {
                substitute project(':my-sub-project') with module("${}:${}:${project.version}")

Is there any way to download the jar file of the own sub-project from the remote maven repository?

Any input or feedback is highly appreciated. Many thanks and best regards