Hello. How do I publish a pre-built Jar to Maven and at the same time provide the dependencies to include in the pom.xml file?
I have a jar that is being pre-built by an external script. I need to publish this jar to our Maven repo (nexus) along with dependencies that I can add to the dependencies closure in build.gradle. I have been able to get a pre built jar published to a Maven repo using the artifacts closure but it ignore the dependencies closure. If I add the java plugin then Maven plugin creates a pom with the dependencies but will upload a zero byte jar file. I guess this is because the Java plugin expects to compile source in the src dir, which does not exist in this project.
Is there a way I can ‘inject’ a pre-built Jar into the Java plugin process so that I can the jar uploaded along with the dependencies? Or am I missing something else that’s obvious?
Of course the best thing would be for the pre-built Jar’s build process to outline its dependencies and upload to Maven but unfortunately it’s a 3rd party piece of software and we have no control.
Below script publishes a zero kb jar file…
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'maven'
jar = file(projectHome + '/build/lib').listFiles()[0]
configurations {
dependencies {
runtime 'org.apache.tika:tika-app:1.3'
artifacts {
archives jar
uploadArchives {
repositories {
mavenDeployer {
repository(url: "http://build.com/nexus/content/repositories/releases/")
pom.version = tag
pom.artifactId = "artifact"
pom.groupId = "group"
Many thanks! Rob