Distribution plugin: how to make the tasks "opt-in?"

Gradle 8.12, using Groovy syntax.
I want to include the distribution plugin in my build but I don’t want its tasks automatically placed in the build dependency tree. In other words, I want to “opt-in” to running distZip only when needed, not whenever build task is run.
Right now, if I run gradlew build, distZip is included. When I want to use distZip I want to explicitly request it (ie, with gradlew distZip).
I do not want to totally disable distZip, just make it an explicit choice.

Actually, the best would be to not use build then.
build depends on assemble.
The distribution-base plugin makes the assemble task depend on the two archive tasks.
You can try to manipulate the assemble dependencies, but usually this is not really a good or recommended idea.