Hi, I’m new to Java. A couple weeks ago, I installed ‘Buildship Gradle Integration 3.0’ from Eclipse Marketplace. When I created a new Spring Boot project, in the project type there were only two options which were Gradle and Maven. Now when I create a new one, there is no option called ‘Gradle’ but ‘Gradle - Groovy’ and ‘Gradle - Kotlin’. So may I ask what is the difference between ‘Gradle’, ‘Gradle - Groovy’ and ‘Gradle - Kotlin’? What should I use for web app development?
P/s: Both ‘Gradle - Groovy’ and ‘Gradle - Kotlin’ now show problem: “Unresolved dependency: org.thymeleaf.extras:thymeleaf-extras-springsecurity6:3.1.0.RELEASE
java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException” when create new project while the old ‘Gradle’ or ‘Maven’ type has no problem? What should I do to fix this?
Gradle build scripts can be written in Groovy DSL or in Kotlin DSL.
I would always recommend Kotlin DSL nowadays.
It has much superior IDE support, is instantly type-safe,
and provides much better error messages if you do something wrongly.
Why the project cannot resolve the dependency is hard to guess without you providing the actual build script.
No, you cannot use Java for the build scripts.
Only Kotlin and Groovy are supported unless Custom Scripting Language support · Issue #22793 · gradle/gradle · GitHub gets implemented.
You can only use Java for custom tasks and plugins and actually then can use any language able to compile to Java bytecode.