Recently I read the article about composite builds and realized that it is what I need. But I haven’t had any success with it so I need your professional help.
I have a project which components are located in separated git repositories. These components depend on each other in some way so it is quite inconvenient to do any modification in the code. So when I’ve found out the composite build feature I tried to apply it for my case.
I did a synthetic repository which contains only git submodules for all components. Then I added a folder which contains only Gradle files to define composite build. So I got quite simple structure like this:
So when I performed gradle build command I’ve expected to see build-artifacts in each component’s subfolder as if I would performed manually gradle build command within each component’s subfolder. But my expectations weren’t met.
Yes, I saw examples on GitHub. They have some root project which contains source code and defines dependencies for all subprojects. In my case I don’t have a root project which depends on all subprojects. Most likely I have several independent components some of them depend on each other. And I would like to combine them by making synthetic composite build project.
Could you give me advice how to solve this problem?
I think your problem is that your settings.gradle etc. files for the synthetic project are in /build. They should be at the root of the synthetic tree.
@luke_daley Thank you for reply! I thought the same, it was my first attempt. Unfortunately it does not work too. So I tried to follow official examples where all projects are located at the same level.
I run gradle build within all directory and have an output like this:
> Task :buildEnvironment
Root project
No dependencies
1 actionable task: 1 executed
Also the .gradle folders are created in all project folders. But I expect that build folders will be created and I will be able to get e.g. jar files from them.
Tasks dependencies work excellent if subprojects are single-project builds. Defining the buildAll task in all/build.gradle file solves my problem indeed:
But to be honest my components are multi-project builds. I’ve just updated my example and you can see new structure. It is nearer what I have. So when I try to run the buildAll task defined above it does not do what I want.
> Task :component1:buildEnvironment
Root project
No dependencies
> Task :component2:buildEnvironment
Root project
No dependencies
> Task :component3:buildEnvironment
Root project
No dependencies
3 actionable tasks: 3 executed
The output is very similar my first one, components do not have build task. How can I solve this problem gracefully? Should I define manually some kind of build task in root file for each multi-project build? Or is there more elegant way?
When using task dependencies, you have to provide the task path, preventing your use case where build does not exist in your included build root project. A workaround in your specific case would be to create those tasks in the included builds, or to target specific subproject tasks in your composite.
But, wiring tasks is not the main use case for composite builds at the moment. Artifact dependencies is where composite builds shine.