Debug Eclipse Project

Hi Team,

I am working as a Software Developer, and my project requirement is to Setup Marquez tool by using any IDE. Marquez tool is mainly used for Data Lineage Overview | Marquez

It has the main module named marquez with submodules present in it. The build tool used is gradle.
I have to basically work on the API module.
Main module has build.gradle file present also the Submodule API also has build.gradle file present.

I have cloned the submodule api as import existing gradle project into eclipse and setup the code base which is up and running.

But I am facing issues while launching the debug, Have attached the code base, the project runs on port 8080. attached the debug configuration as well and error while launching debug. “Failed to connect to remote VM. Connection timed out.

Also followed multiple resolutions for solving the issue but still unable to resolve it.
Followed “How to Debug Gradle Projects in Eclipse · GitHub