I am developing an Android project with Android Studio & Gradle build.
I am trying the maven-publish plugin, I managed to upload my jar for each build type by the following script:
apply plugin: 'maven-publish'
buildTypes {
release {
debug {
publishing {
publications {
android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
def buildType = variant.buildType.name
create("myjar-$buildType", MavenPublication) {
artefact "$projectDir/myjar.jar"
artifactId "myjar-$buildType"
If I run command “gradle clean publish” , artifacts myjar-debug & myjar-release are uploaded to my maven repository successfully.
Everything is good at this point. Now I want to create separate tasks to upload debug & release type jar respectively to maven repo. I modified my publishing closure to the following:
publishing {
publications {
android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
def buildType = variant.buildType.name
def publishTask = project.tasks.create("publish${buildType.capitalize()}",{
create("myjar-$buildType", MavenPublication) {
artefact "$projectDir/myjar.jar"
artifactId "myjar-$buildType"
Now, in my task list, I see there are now tasks
in task list. But when I run the task e.g. “gradle clean publishDebug”, the myjar-debug isn’t uploaded to my maven repository at all. So, how to make separate publish task to upload one jar per build type ?