Hey there,
I am using Gradle to build Android projects, since this is the way Google says things are done.
I configured my build gradle’s uploadArchives task plain and simple (see below).
Now using gradle with Android, usually two “runs” are executed - a Debug build and a Release build.
Also, the output folders contain build artifacts for both configurations if I execute “gradle clean build”.
However, when I execute uploadArchives task as I do, the archives which are uploaded neither have a -debug nor -release suffix and I am completely lost as to what the task actually uploaded.
So questions:
- Which artifacts does the uploadArchives task pick up for upload?
- Is there a way to configure that the upload archives task uploads both debug and release version separately? If so, how would this be done?
Here my configuration:
apply plugin: “maven”
mavenUpload "org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-http:2.2"
task assembleJavadocs(type: Jar, dependsOn: "javadoc"){
classifier "javadoc"
extension "zip"
from "${project.buildDir}/docs/javadoc"
destinationDir file("${project.buildDir}")
artifacts {
archives assembleJavadocs
uploadArchives {
repositories.mavenDeployer {
repository(url: "XXXX")