Could not HEAD Received status code 500 from server: Server Error

Trying to get adobe creativesdk, I’m getting a server error, probably due to the HEAD request. is it possible to disable HEAD requests? work only with GET requests?
This is the error I’m receiving and the relevant URL:

Could not HEAD ‘’. Received status code 500 from server: Server Error

same results with gradle 4.1/4.5.1. it works with gradle 2.14.1…


This is a problem with the Adobe Nexus server (storage appears down). Requests for any dependencies hosted by that repository will fail. Caches might give the impression that something is working, but the server is not operating normally. Any version of Gradle should fail if it has to make the HTTP request until Adobe fixes the issue.

THANKS. That was the problem. Seems like the cache folder .gradle/2.14.1 which contained the cache of 2.14.1 was full as opposed to the new versions (4.1/4.5.1) cache. Got confused as the request for HEAD did not work also in chrome postman… Thanks for the help!