Im quite new to gradle and I cant really find a solution to my problem. I have searched across the web to see anyone has done something similar following best practices.
I have several java projects being built with maven sharing a single project that contains all the environment profiles. So it looks like,
Environment Project
---- pom.xml
---- config
Project A
---- pom.xml
---- src
-------- main
------------ java
------------ resources
-------- test
------------ java
------------ resources
Project B
---- pom.xml
---- src
-------- main
------------ java
------------ resources
-------- test
------------ java
------------ resources
Project C
---- pom.xml
---- src
-------- main
------------ java
------------ resources
-------- test
------------ java
------------ resources
and so on.
Using profiles in maven i was able to build environment specific packages. At that time of doing the project structure I didnt really pay attention to see if this was best practice.
Anyways, what i want to know is if there is a similar approach to gradle to generate environment specific packages whilst sharing the config across multiple projects.