Our nebula-publishing-plugin takes dynamic and missing dependency versions and changes them to specific versions. The pom produced by the plugin-publish plugin is generating its own pom. Do we have hooks to modify the pom or can we have the plugin use the pom created for upload to jcenter/mavenCentral?
Example: com.netflix.nebula:nebula-bintray-plugin:3.3.0
jcenter with no dynamic dependencies: http://jcenter.bintray.com/com/netflix/nebula/nebula-bintray-plugin/3.3.0/nebula-bintray-plugin-3.3.0.pom
plugin portal with dynamic dependencies: curl -v -L https://plugins.gradle.org/m2/com/netflix/nebula/nebula-bintray-plugin/3.3.0/nebula-bintray-plugin-3.3.0.pom
Having to skip using dynamic dependencies and our gradle-dependency-lock-plugin to keep resolves consistent via the portal.