Checking Eclipse environment vars/configurations when running Gradle->Refresh all from Eclipse Gradle plugin


We have a project which is worked by two batch of developers, one with ScalaIDE plugin and one without. Since gradle scala eclipse plugin updates .project file to use scalabuilder (build command) so I would like to know if we can in gradle script check weather the running Eclipse has ScalaIDE installed or not (as Gradle->Refresh all is triggered from within Eclipse). So that the developers without ScalaIDE will have javabuilder instead of scalabuilder. For large projects I believe this is a very useful feature. This could apply to eclipse project nature as well.

Many Thanks, Best Wishes, Tong

any thoughts would be really appreciated. And if my question is vague please let me know and I will rephrase it.

So I guess there isn’t a way to communicate with the hosting IDE (the IDE which triggers Gradle task)?

Wouldn’t this be something useful?