Calling ant from gradle plugin with null File attribute results in C:/path/null

I have a gradle task passing in a java File to an ant task where the java File is null. Somewhere along the line it is being translated into C://null and thus causing errors later on. I am using Gradle 2.12.


Given two variables that both the ant task and the gradle extension track: myFile and myFileStr
Before the ant task is called:

  • myFile is null
  • myFileStr is null
    Inside the ant task printing out those variables:
  • myFile is C:\gradle-plugin-test\null
  • myFileStr is null

I would expect myFile to be null.

It is being passed in like this:

        ant.taskdef(name: 'mytask', classname: 'com.myorg.myplugin.ant.MyTask',
        // call the ant task
        println "MyTask called with: " + extension.myFile + " myFileStr: " + extension.myFileStr;
                myFile: extension.myFile,
                myFileStr: extension.myFileStr
        ) { }

Code to reproduce (consume the plugin from another project and run the ‘mytask’ task):

// src/main/java/com/myorg/myplugin/ant/
package com.myorg.myplugin.ant;



public class MyTask extends Task {
	private File myFile = null;
	private String myFileStr = null;
	public void setMyFile(File file) {
		myFile = file;
	public void setMyFileStr(String str) {
		myFileStr = str;
	public void execute()
		System.out.println("execute() myFile: " + myFile + " myFileStr: " + myFileStr);

// src/main/groovy/com/myorg/myplugin/MyPlugin.groovy
package com.myorg.myplugin;

import org.gradle.api.Plugin;
import org.gradle.api.Project;

import org.gradle.api.DefaultTask
import org.gradle.api.Project;
import org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskAction;

public class MyExtension
    def myFile;
    def myFileStr;

public class MyPlugin implements Plugin<Project>

    void apply(Project project)
    	project.task('mytask', type: MyTask) {
            description = "description"
            outputs.upToDateWhen { false }

        MyExtension extension = new MyExtension();
        project.getExtensions().add('myplugin', extension);

public class MyTask extends DefaultTask {
	public MyTask() {

    def doTask()
		Project project = getProject();
	    MyExtension extension = (MyExtension) project.getExtensions().findByName('myplugin');
        ant.taskdef(name: 'mytask', classname: 'com.myorg.myplugin.ant.MyTask',

        // call the ant task
        println "MyTask called with: " + extension.myFile + " myFileStr: " + extension.myFileStr;
                myFile: extension.myFile,
                myFileStr: extension.myFileStr
        ) { }

// src/main/resources/META-INF/gradle-plugins/