I’ve been running a custom ant task successfully for a while and it works pretty good.
Recently I updated the code for the ant task so that it relies on a library which loads a config file from the classpath.
The interesting thing is that the config file was not loadable and when I looked into it further by printing out the classpath from within the ant task’s java implementation I see only one entry instead of the 30 or so I have set in the build.gradle file.
This is weird because the ant task itself is not even in the classpath so I am puzzled how it is running that even.
Printing out the classpath from within the java implementation of the ant task is just this:
here is java.class.path:
The classpath which is set in the build.gradle file which actually has the ant task class as well as the other dependencies (which I had thought I would see printed out in the tasks execution) looks like this when printed from the build.gradle itself:
Anyone have some knowledge to share regarding:
- how is the task even running at all when it’s helloworld prints the classpath but it doesn’t include the stuff setup in the build.gradle
- what is the proper way to get a classpath setup for the custom ant task
In build.gradle I am doing this (which works but it doesn’t have the “real” classpath in the executing code so it can’t load resources properly):
task "all-hello-world" { logging.level = LogLevel.DEBUG description "prints classpath as seen from inside ant task." doFirst { ant.taskdef(name: 'helloworld', classname: 'someuser.antlink.HelloWorld', classpath: (configurations.helloworldabc + configurations.compile).asPath ) ant.helloworld() { } } }
Here is the custom ant task:
package someuser.antlink; import java.net.URL; import java.net.URLClassLoader; /** https://discuss.gradle.org/t/clarification-on-classpath-for-ant-task-running-in-gradle/28741 */ public class HelloWorld { public void execute() { System.out.println("Hello World"); printClasspath(); System.out.println("classpath should have been printed just now."); System.out.println("that should have been bigger??????????????????????????"); System.out.println("here is java.class.path:" + System.getProperty("java.class.path")); System.out.println("how can this not have even this HelloWorld class on the classpath?? something bootstrappy or weird going on..."); } public void printClasspath() { URL[] urls = ((URLClassLoader)ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()).getURLs(); for(int i=0; i< urls.length; i++) { System.out.println(urls[i].getFile()); } } }
I encounter the same single classpath entry when attempting to use a custom gradle plugin as well.