Hi all,
I am writing a plugin whereby I want to use the plugin’s extension object to drive the creation of certain tasks. However I’m finding that the extension object doesn’t seem to have been populated from my build file when I try to access it outside a task’s action block.
This doesn’t seem to be covered in the gradle docs writing custom plugins section that I’m following and I’m therefore wondering if I’m approaching this in a non-gradle-idiomatic way? Is there an approach that I can use to make this possible?
Here’s an example which you can copy/paste to a build.gradle file to easily demonstate what I’m seeing:
import groovy.transform.ToString
apply plugin: ResourcesPlugin
class ResourcesPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
void apply(Project project) {
// Add the 'resourcesPlugin' extension object to the project
project.extensions.create("resourcesPlugin", ResourcesPluginExtension)
// Add a task that uses the configuration
project.task("hello") {
description = "Container task which processes all defined resource definitions"
group = "resourcesPlugin"
doFirst {
//Show that we can access the Plugin's extension here:
project.resourcesPlugin.resourceDefinitions.each {
//This seems to work as we get the ResourceDefinition printed to the console.
println it
// However this same access doesn't seem to work as, at this point, project.resourcesPlugin.resourceDefinitions seems to be null
// If the Plugin extension only available after the task configuration phase?
// I want to use it to create tasks dynamically, is there an approach I can use to do this?
if(project.resourcesPlugin.resourceDefinitions == null) {
println "project.resourcesPlugin.resourceDefinitions is null :-("
// Create tasks dynamically based on what the user has specified in the extension's closure
class ResourcesPluginExtension {
def String message = 'Hello from GreetingPlugin'
ResourceDefinition[] resourceDefinitions
class ResourceDefinition {
String pathRegex
String action
boolean filter
resourcesPlugin {
resourceDefinitions = [[pathRegex: "i1", action: "a1", filter: true],
[pathRegex: "i2", action: "a2", filter: false]]
If you run the example above using the command:
gradle hello
You should see the following output:
project.resourcesPlugin.resourceDefinitions is null :-(
ResourceDefinition(i1, a1, true)
ResourceDefinition(i2, a2, false)