Artifactory plugin - how to publish a war archive

Hello, I just started a few days ago, and im trying to publish a war file using the artifactory plugin. So far my gradle script will create a build in artifactory but with no publish modules to speak of. Im at a loss for examples and feeling really stuck, please help.

buildscript {

repositories {

//maven {

//url ‘http://prdapp07:8081/artifactory/plugins-release

//url ‘

//credentials {

//username = “${artifactory_user}”

//password = “${artifactory_password}”



maven { url ‘’ }

flatDir { dirs “lib” }

jcenter {url ‘’}


dependencies {

classpath “org.jfrog.buildinfo:build-info-extractor-gradle:3.0.1”

} }

allprojects {

apply plugin: “com.jfrog.artifactory”

apply plugin: ‘maven-publish’

apply plugin: ‘jetty’

apply plugin: ‘war’

apply plugin: ‘java’


configurations {

moreLibs }

group = ‘’ version=‘1.0-SNAPSHOT’

publishing {

publications {

main(MavenPublication) {

artifact file(‘build/libs/GradleWarExample.war’)


} }

def warArchives = ‘build/libs/GradleWarExample.war’

artifactory {

contextUrl = “${artifactory_contextUrl}”

//The base Artifactory URL if not overridden by the publisher/resolver

publish {

repository {

repoKey = ‘libs-release-local’

username = “${artifactory_user}”

password = “${artifactory_password}”

maven = true


defalts {publications (warArchives) }


resolve {

repository {

repoKey = ‘libs-release’

username = “${artifactory_user}”

password = “${artifactory_password}”

maven = true


} }

dependencies {

compile module(":compile:1.0") {

dependency “:compile-transitive-1.0@jar”

dependency “:providedCompile-transitive:1.0@jar”


providedCompile “javax.servlet:servlet-api:2.5”

providedCompile module(":providedCompile:1.0") {

dependency “:providedCompile-transitive:1.0@jar”


runtime “:runtime:1.0”

providedRuntime “:providedRuntime:1.0@jar”

testCompile “junit:junit:4.11”

moreLibs “:otherLib:1.0”


war {

from ‘src/rootContent’ // adds a file-set to the root of the archive

webInf { from ‘src/additionalWebInf’ } // adds a file-set to the WEB-INF dir.

classpath fileTree(‘additionalLibs’) // adds a file-set to the WEB-INF/lib dir.

classpath configurations.moreLibs // adds a configuration to the WEB-INF/lib dir.

webXml = file(‘src/someWeb.xml’) // copies a file to WEB-INF/web.xml