[application plugin] parent 'application' project having a dependency on a child 'application' project zip (instead of jar)

Dear all,

I have a multi project build (1) where both parent and child projects are zip applications (‘my-parent-app-1.0-SNAPSHOT.zip’ and ‘my-nested-app-1.0-SNAPSHOT.zip’).

I would like to define in the parent app a dependency on the generated zip file of the child project. I can easily define a dependency to the generated jar file (3), or a dependency of a “zip” type artifact stored in Maven Central repo (4).

How can I define a dependency on the generated “zip” file of my child project?

I created a demo project here: https://github.com/cyrille-leclerc/gradle-nested-app-testcase

dependencies {
    // QUESTION: how can I reference the generated my-nested-app-1.0.zip file instead of ?
    applicationDependencies project(path: ':my-nested-app') // (3)
    applicationDependencies 'org.apache.tomcat:tomcat:8.0.0-RC10@zip' // (4)