Android Gradle Plugin migration (v4.0.1 to v8.7.0) new hash folder in build path


I updated Android Gradle Plugin from v4.0.1 to v8.7.0. I found the new AGP version is adding a folder to the build path, naming that folder with a hash value generated based on a set of values (detailed in a file called hash_key.txt).

This way, when doing the same build for the same project I have the new folders “3r3v2s2u”, “14554b3w”, “67583311”, “q35602b7” generated in the build path:


I had two questions:

  1. Can this new folder hashing feature be turned off? (I understand gradle does this as a way to enable efficient incremental compilation and caching, but still would be interested in turning it off).
  2. AGP uses a set of parameters to generate the hash. Where are those parameters defined and how could I decide what parameters are used for the hashing?
