I referred the autosuggested topic similar topic but it did not help, So I wanted to clarify by starting a new topic.
I have an Android project configured with Gradle (2.3.3) working as per expected. I wanted to to duplicate code and try some alternate approaches on code. So, I went ahead and created the manual copy paste of entire project and renamed to desired name.
Now, i am facing issue with signing configuration
keystore Old path: D:\MobileApplication\Android\MobileAppStudio\Dashboard\CustomSigning.key
key store new path: D:\MobileApplication\Android\CustomMobileAppStudio\Dashboard\CustomSigning.key
When I build, i get issue that D:\MobileApplication\Android\CustomMobileAppStudio\MobileAppStudio\Dashboard\CustomSigning.key is not found.
I have below line in my build.gradle for reading the keystore file.
The line that includes def keystorePropertiesFile is only part of what you must have for loading and configuring the properties from keystore.properties. That line alone doesn’t really help determine the problem.
Since there’s an extra MobileAppStudio directory in the error vs. what you say that path really is, it seems like there must be a hard-coded reference in either keystore.properties or where you use those values in your signingConfigs {...}. However, it’s difficult to say exactly which one has the problem, not knowing what the properties and usage of those properties looks like.
However, as half of keystore.properties or potentially where you use those properties can contain sensitive information, I don’t really want you to share a chunk of it that could help. I’m thinking it should be enough for you to find a reference to MobileAppStudio which shouldn’t be there on it’s own in your duplicated CustomMobileAppStudio folder.
I initially thought I was doing something wrong due to lack of complete gradle knowledge but I did search complete project for any hard coded value and that was it. Fixed the hard coded to by dynamic and things are fine now.