I have a project which consists of two modules: serverlib
and testserver
- serverlib
- src/main/java <-- also tested by testserver
- testserver
- src/main/java
- src/test/java <-- integrationtests
contains classes which are used by testserver
and are tested by the integration tests for testserver
. I’ve setup integration tests according to the documentation in the gretty plugin. This all works but Jacoco only shows the coverage of the code for testserver
How can I include coverage for serverlib
in the Jacoco report generated when running the integration test for testserver
Relevant parts of my build.gradle:
dependencies {
compile project(":serverlib") // <-- these classes should also appear in the coverage report
task('integrationTest', type: Test) {
include '**/*IT.*'
tasks.test {
exclude '**/*IT.*'
gretty {
afterEvaluate {
tasks.appBeforeIntegrationTest.jacoco {
append = false
destinationFile = project.file("$project.buildDir/jacoco/integrationTestServer.exec")
tasks.appAfterIntegrationTest.finalizedBy tasks.integrationTestServerReport
task('integrationTestServerReport', type: JacocoReport) {
executionData { tasks.appBeforeIntegrationTest.jacoco.destinationFile }
sourceDirectories = files(sourceSets.main.allSource.srcDirs)
classDirectories = sourceSets.main.output
def reportDir = reporting.file("jacoco/integrationTest_server/html")
reports {
html.destination = reportDir