Hi Guys,
We need some help to mix the reports from integration and unit tests.
I share a snippet of build.gradle:
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'jacoco'
configurations {
itestCompile.extendsFrom testCompile
itestRuntime.extendsFrom testRuntime
sourceSets {
itest {
java {
compileClasspath += main.output + test.output
runtimeClasspath += main.output + test.output
srcDir file('src/itest/java')
resources.srcDir file('src/itest/resources')
test {
testLogging {
events "passed", "skipped", "failed"
task itest(type: Test) {
reports.html.destination = file("$buildDir/reports/tests")
//testReportDir = file("$buildDir/reports/tests/")
//testResultsDir = file("$buildDir/test-results/")
testClassesDir = sourceSets.itest.output.classesDir
classpath = sourceSets.itest.runtimeClasspath
systemProperties = System.properties
// This is not needed, but it shows which tests have run
testLogging {
events "passed", "skipped", "failed"
jacoco {
destinationFile = file("$buildDir/jacoco/IT/jacocoIT.exec")
classDumpFile = file("$buildDir/jacoco/IT/classpathdumps")
tasks.withType(Test) {
reports.html.destination = file("${reporting.baseDir}/${name}")
// It is done to run integration tests after unit tests in task build
itest.mustRunAfter test
ext {
limits = [
'instruction': 93,
'branch' : 88,
'line' : 91,
'complexity' : 84,
'method' : 87,
'class' : 95 //TODO - 100%
jacocoTestReport {
reports {
xml.enabled = true
html.enabled = true
afterEvaluate {
classDirectories = files(classDirectories.files.collect {
fileTree(dir: it,
exclude: ['**/*Dto*.class',
doLast {
def report = file("${jacoco.reportsDir}/test/jacocoTestReport.xml")
logger.lifecycle("Checking coverage results: ${report}")
def parser = new XmlParser()
parser.setFeature("http://apache.org/xml/features/nonvalidating/load-external-dtd", false);
parser.setFeature("http://apache.org/xml/features/disallow-doctype-decl", false)
def results = parser.parse(report)
def percentage = {
def covered = it.'@covered' as Double
def missed = it.'@missed' as Double
((covered / (covered + missed)) * 100).round(2)
def counters = results.counter
def metrics = [:]
metrics << [
'instruction': percentage(counters.find { it.'@type'.equals('INSTRUCTION') }),
'branch' : percentage(counters.find { it.'@type'.equals('BRANCH') }),
'line' : percentage(counters.find { it.'@type'.equals('LINE') }),
'complexity' : percentage(counters.find { it.'@type'.equals('COMPLEXITY') }),
'method' : percentage(counters.find { it.'@type'.equals('METHOD') }),
'class' : percentage(counters.find { it.'@type'.equals('CLASS') })
def failures = []
metrics.each {
def limit = limits[it.key]
if (it.value < limit) {
failures.add("- ${it.key} coverage rate is: ${it.value}%, minimum is ${limit}%")
if (failures) {
logger.quiet("------------------ Code Coverage Failed -----------------------")
failures.each {
throw new GradleException("Code coverage failed")
} else{
logger.quiet("Passed Code Coverage Checks")
additionalSourceDirs = files(sourceSets.main.allJava.srcDirs)
check.dependsOn itest
check.dependsOn jacocoTestReport
// Returns the Gradle home folder. Used for development purposes.
task getHomeDir << {
println gradle.gradleHomeDir
run {
systemProperties = System.properties
In this situation it works pretty shine for all the unit tests but integration tests are missed in the calculations.
Could you help me how to add test reports to be taken in count?
Thanks in advance!