Absolute path on output directories in taskArtifacts.bin

In our Jenkins builds, we have a need to clone a workspace (output from gradle build) to several slaves in order to do massively parallel integration tests. But since the file taskArtifacts.bin contains absolute paths to output directories, tasks are marked as not up to date due to '‘No history is available’. I think the ability to clone a workspace and ‘continue’ a build will be central to many CI configurations and we would like to see this changes to paths relative to $rootProject instead.

Reproduce the error: 1. pull of a project into folder B 2. do a gradle build 3. renaming B to A 4 build again

I debugged gradle and found the critical code section in CacheBackedTaskHistoryRepository.findPreviousExecution()

Yes, this is a problem for us as well. I submitted an enhancement request for changing this behavior yesterday:


Did not see that before my post, your description of the problem is good.

I’m going to close this one off and concentrate the discussion on Lance’s post.