War task: how include into the .war file a specific file from a specific path

I am working with a multi module project.

The following is mandatory

apply plugin: 'war'

project(':thymeleaf-02-web') {

	description 'Web (HTML, JS, CSS)'
	dependencies {
				compile project("$it")

    webAppDirName = 'src/main/resources'
	war {
		baseName = warBaseName


The value for webAppDirName with src/main/resources is totally mandatory, it is not the expected working about with the WEB-INF location, because I am working with Thymeleaf, otherwise many @Test methods fail, it about Testing @Controller about Spring.

Now I have the mandatory case that I need for the web app the web.xml file to configure the <error-page>. It is located as usual within the src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/ location, but when I create the .war file and it is deployed the web.xml never was taken in consideration and thus is not included.

I have tried the following addition:

	dependencies {

	    compile fileTree(dir: "src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/", include: 'web.xml')
	    runtime fileTree(dir: "src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/", include: 'web.xml')

				compile project("$it")

But nothing. For the moment I must copy/paste manually the web.xml file into the deployed .war file.

Thus what is the correct configuration?