War plugin: replace files inside src/main/webapp with other files with same name but in another path

Hi there,
I’ve seen many answer to similar questions, but none address exactly my need, so I’m asking for advice.

Here is the question: I need to create a war file for my app.
I need to build two different versions of the war: a “debug” and a “release”. The two archives must have a different skin, and I can accomplish this task replacing some files with copies of the file contained in a “themes” folder.

So I have inside my build.gradle the following tasks:

// This is the war task that comes from the war plugin
war {
 	appendix "debug"

// This is the war task that is used to create the release
task warRelease (type: War) {
 	appendix "release"

So far, so good.

The project contains the file “courtesy.html” (in the ‘src/main/webapp’ folder), which is included in both the wars.

Now, I have a “THEMES_FOLDER” folder, outside my project. I need to replace the “courtesy.html” file that is in the src/main/webapp folder, with the one included in the themes folder, so I would like to exlude from the warRelease the “courtesy.html” file that is contained inside the web app.

These are my (failed) attempts:

task warRelease (type: War) {
    // exclude('courtesy.html') //1: not working, will exclude ALSO the file contained inside the themes folder

// exclude('src/main/webapp/courtesy.html') // 2 not working, seems to be ignored

//from( new File('src/main/webapp'), {  // 3 not working, seems to be ignored like attempt 2
//	exclude('courtesy.html')

// rootSpec.exclude("coutesy.html") // 4 not working, will exclude ALSO the file contained inside the themes folder

    from( THEMES_FOLDER)
    appendix "release"

I know that, including both files, the last one will be server by the appserver, so I will anyway reach my goal, but I would like to exclude redundant files to reduce war size and for the sake of clarity.

Can someone help me?

Thanks in advance!

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You can ignore a original file with a code like this:

war {
    .... // more things here
    exclude { FileTreeElement fileElement -> fileElement.file.name == 'index.html' && fileElement.file.text.contains('$STRING-ON-FILE-TO-REMOVE') }