War plugin: How to change tld location folder in war?


I’ve a project which use Struts with some taglibs and I would like to put the TLD files in [WEB-INF\tld], but when I use the command : > gradle war -i

It put all the TLD files in [WEB-INF\lib] with all the JAR files. How can I say to gradle to put it in [WEB-INF\tld] in place of [WEB-INF\lib] ?

Here my gradle script:

apply plugin: 'war'
List runTime = [
  dependencies {
 compile runTime

Thank’s a lot, Fonzy.

hey fonzy, one option to achieve this is to configure your war task like this:

 classpath = classpath.filter {File file -> file.name.endsWith("jar")}
  exclude "*.jar"
  include "*.tld"

A more declarative way might be to split up your tld definitions into a dedicated configuration and resolve this configuration in the tld subfolder of your war:

List runTime = [
  List tlds = [
  dependencies {
    compile runTime
    tld tlds

cheers, René

Thank’s René,

It work now, but there is just one typo error on your example. It fail on this line:


because should be


One thing I don’t understand is that the first time I start the script it keep some things in cache then produce the same output as before modification.

I have to clear my build folder to make it work because it say’s that nothing changed so he don’t rebuild the war ! Strange, no ?

(I think I will upgrade soon my gradle 1.0 M6 to the last available version !)

Thank’s a lot, Fonzy.