Hi, Is it possible (and how) to build a war archive in the following way: - all the java classes from src/main/java will be compiled, zipped to jar and copied under WEB-INF/lib - the configuration from src/main/resources won’t be included in the jar mentioned above but only copied under WEB-INF/classes?
By default when you apply the war plugin, it disables the default JAR archive generation.
In order to enable it…
jar{ enabled=true }
The gradle userguide has a very good example of the various customizations.
Well… I know that it’s possible the enable the and all the classes will be ‘jarred’ and added to war. But I don’t want resources to be also jarred and when I enable the jar all the resources will automatically jarred. I want them to be copied to some.war/WEB-INF/classes. Is it possible/configurable?
Most things that you wish to attempt are possible, it’s just a matter of wiring things up.
Below is an example of one possible solution to what you’ve asked for: (1) resources are not placed into the jar file, (2) the jar file is placed into WEB-INF/lib within the war, (3) resources are copied into the WEB-INF/classes directory within the war.
apply plugin: 'war'
processResources.enabled = false
jar.enabled = true
war {
classpath = jar.outputs.files +
configurations.runtime - configurations.providedRuntime
into('WEB-INF/classes') {
from sourceSets.main.resources
There are probably better solutions, but this at least is a starting point which I believe satisifies your currently stated requirements.
Yes, that’s much better. According to ‘wiring things up’ You’re right but I’m still learning. Actually I also need some resources processing (because tokens needs to be replaced with filter) but I’ll try it on my own.
If you still want resource processing then two slightly different paths might be an option:
apply plugin: 'war'
jar {
enabled = true
includeEmptyDirs = false
eachFile { copyDetails ->
if (copyDetails.file.path.contains('resources')) {
war {
classpath = jar.outputs.files +
configurations.runtime - configurations.providedRuntime
into('WEB-INF/classes') {
from { -> sourceSets.main.output.resourcesDir }
or something like this (which is probably nicer):
apply plugin: 'war'
task myjar(type: Jar) {
from sourceSets.main.output.classesDir
war {
classpath = myjar.outputs.files +
configurations.runtime - configurations.providedRuntime
into('WEB-INF/classes') {
from { -> sourceSets.main.output.resourcesDir }
Wow! Will investigate it in the nearest future.