I’m using the “mavenDeployer” to use ssh/scp during “uploadArchives” task. Rather than code a password into the build.gradle, I’d like to rely on proper ssh setup. Specifically, I want to have the user specify their private key, and have that private key loaded in their environment (ssh-agent, ssh-add, etc). The maven repo has a shared userid, and all real users have their .pub key properly added to the “authorized_keys” file of shared userid.
Although maven/ant seem to have a “privateKey” attribute, and the Gradle DSL accepts it, it doesn’t seem to have any effect when I set it:
mavenDeployer {
configuration = pr.configurations.publishJars
String keyFile = System.properties["user.mavenKey"]
repository(url: "scp://maven.company.com/path/to/maven") {
logger.info("Using SSH key: ${keyFile}")
authentication(userName: "maven", privateKey: keyFile)
Note: changing privateKey to privatekey causes a property error, so I know the property exists and is recognized.
I know the ssh key is working:
% ssh -i ~/.ssh/mavenKey maven@maven.company.com ls /
[ no errors, output trimmed ]
But when I run it, I get prompted for shared userid’s password:
% gradle uploadArchives
[... stuff ...]
Password for maven@evomaven.englab.juniper.net:
Note, it is NOT prompting for passphrase for the key.