Using composite projects and share something different than the default jar?

I am playing around using composite projects and substitutions. This works nicely when you only need “the standard jar file” but else I am fairly confused how you could share/subtitute anything else.
So for example:

    add("default", project.projectDir.resolve("localization"))

Gives me my artifact localization

Variant default
Configuration for default artifacts.

    - Ums.LocalizationResources.LookAndFeel:ClientLnF-Common:unspecified (default capability)
    - build\libs\ClientLnF-Common.jar (artifactType = jar)
    - localization

So I was asuming the consume could use somehow depend on this artifact like so:

dependencies.add("localization", "Ums.LocalizationResources.LookAndFeel:ClientLnF-Common:1.0-SNAPSHOT" ) {

But gradle is not able to resolve such a dependency.

  > Could not find localization (project :umslocalizationresources:LookAndFeel:ClientLnF-Common).

I am not quite sure if it would help my cause to use capabilites and or attributes and or excplicitely declared substitutions?
There is also the compose depends notation like so:

tasks.register("run") {

However artifact sharing is not mentioned and it looks a bit like what is mentioned as antipattern. So in summary is possible at all do share anything else than the default jar using composite projects and if yes how?

You should never add artifacts to the “default” configuration.
Instead you should indeed declare proper feature variants.
Whether you will use capability or attributes depends on the exact use-case.
If you for example want to have a “localization” artifacts of all dependencies on the compileClasspath, you would indeed use some attributes and then have a configuration or artifact view that is derived from that configuration and requests those other attributes.
If you for example just want to say “here I want the localization of that dependency”, then a capability might be fine.

And manual substitution rules are usually just duct-tape for being inconsistent somewhere or needing to use another persons project that is inconsistent.

You should never add artifacts to the “default” configuration.

I usually wouldnt use the default configuration, but the Documentation states under Cases where composite build substitutions won’t work

When a configuration other than default is published.

So I assumed it only works for the “default” configuration? But thats not the case? So you would say in a composite build its should generally be possible to consume consume artifacts from includedBuilds if wired up correctly?
Best regards

I think that section is way too negative, if not even wrong.
For example using composite build with maven-publish works perfectly fine and I cannot remember a time where it did not work.

Yes, consuming artifacts from included builds works perfectly fine usually.
If you try something and get into a struggle, you might share an MCVE to get more concrete help too.

Ok Thanks got it to working. trying to hack around by specifying the artifact name/extension did not working but configuring attributes on the consuming configuration seems to work just fine

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