Is there a way to configure Gradle to use Artifactory’s support for matrix parameter queries at dependency resolution time ?
I want Gradle to lookup artifacts in Artifactory with a url like “https://artifactory/repository/com/acme/project/module/1.2.3/module-1.2.3.jar;property1=value1;property2=value2” (instead of “https://artifactory/repository/com/acme/project/module/1.2.3/module-1.2.3.jar”).
Those properties would typically be used to distinguish artifacts based on their associated promotion status. The resolution logic would return different artifacts based on the promotion status of the artifacts I need.
Note: According to the aforementioned page, I can easily tag my artifacts at publishing time with custom properties by using a custom url like “https://artifactory/repository/;property1=value;property2=value2”. I need a way to take into account those properties at resolution time now
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Actually what I need can be implemented by using a component selection rule
@Francois_Ritaly: We are trying to get the same thing done - could you describe how you use component selection rules to do this?
I’m finding that ComponentMetadata
is really only aware of a property named status
which (apparently) is assumed to be found in the descriptor file for the module (we have maven artifacts, so this would need to come from pom.xml
, I believe). I can’t get it to look for arbitrary Artifactory properties, or I get an error that no such property exists
If you’ve found a way to do this, it’d be fantastic if you could share!
Sure, here’s the code (that was just a prototype so the code isn’t as clean as it should be).
I have a repository which hosts a bunch of artifacts in different versions. Those artifacts define a property “codeline” which denotes the branch the artifacts were built from. I wanted to check if Gradle could leverage the “codeline” property to resolve the correct artifacts based on the branch I want to compile against. Basically this is the same as defining a status for an artifact except that the status is defined via a meta-data instead of being hard-coded in an Ivy descriptor. The codeline actually denotes a promotion status and can be undefined or set to “trunk”, “rc”, “hotpatch”, “trunk;rc”, “trunk;rc;hotpatch”, “rc;hotpatch” (multi-values represent promotions of the artifacts: “trunk;rc” means the artifact was built from “trunk” then promoted to “rc”)
apply plugin: 'java'
// Defines the codeline attached to the artifacts we want to compile against
def requestedCodeline = 'rc' // 'trunk', 'rc', 'hotpatch'
println "Requested codeline: ${requestedCodeline}"
configurations {
all {
resolutionStrategy {
componentSelection {
all { ComponentSelection selection ->
// We need to determine if the given candidate relates to the codeline
// we want to compile against
// We first need to identify the url of this artifact from its (group, module, version) identifier
def url1 = new URL("https://artifactory/api/search/gavc?g=${}&a=${selection.candidate.module}&v=${selection.candidate.version}&repos=artifactory-repository")
def json1 = url1.getText(requestProperties: [ 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Basic ' + "${artifactory_user}:${artifactory_password}".getBytes().encodeBase64() ])
// Extract the artifact url from the JSON response
def url2 = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(json1).results[0].uri
// Now query the artifact's properties
def url3 = new URL("${url2}?properties")
def json2 = url3.getText(requestProperties: [ 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Basic ' + "${artifactory_user}:${artifactory_password}".getBytes().encodeBase64() ])
def json = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(json2)
// What's the codeline associated to this artifact ? The property is a multi-value one (separator: semi-colon)
def codeline =
if (!codeline) {
selection.reject("No explicit codeline defined")
println "Rejected candidate '${selection.candidate}' because of missing property 'codeline'"
} else {
def codelines = codeline[0].split(';').collect { it.trim() }
if (codelines.contains(requestedCodeline)) {
println "Selected candidate '${selection.candidate}' with codelines ${codelines}"
} else {
println "Rejected candidate '${selection.candidate}' because of invalid codeline ${codelines}"
selection.reject("Invalid codeline")
dependencies {
compile ''
With this trick, Gradle will select the correct artifact versions based on the associated ‘codeline’ property.
The build log looks like this
Requested codeline: rc
Rejected candidate '' because of missing property 'codeline'
Rejected candidate '' because of missing property 'codeline'
Rejected candidate '' because of missing property 'codeline'
Rejected candidate '' because of missing property 'codeline'
Rejected candidate '' because of invalid codeline [trunk]
Rejected candidate '' because of invalid codeline [trunk]
Rejected candidate '' because of invalid codeline [trunk]
Rejected candidate '' because of invalid codeline [trunk]
Rejected candidate '' because of invalid codeline [trunk]
Selected candidate '' with codelines [trunk, rc]
:processResources UP-TO-DATE
:compileTestJava UP-TO-DATE
:processTestResources UP-TO-DATE
:testClasses UP-TO-DATE
:test UP-TO-DATE
:check UP-TO-DATE
Total time: 14.146 secs
Hope that helps