I have a question involves using plugin extension at buildscript section:
I have create a standalone custom plugin with extension. The extension object exposes an API call foo(). Now I wish to apply the plugin at buildscript section of build.gradle.kts of a consumer package Bar and use the extension
import xxx.CustomExtension
buildscript {
repository {
maven {
url = uri(location of plugin artifact)
// Apply plugin
apply(plugin= "CustomPlugin")
//Initialize Extension
val extension = the<CustomExtension>()
//Use foo()
val result = extension.foo()
I have also create pluginManagement block in the setting.gradle.kts file to configure the repository and was also able to apply the plugin outside of buildscript section. However, when I applied
it inside of buildscript section, it returned “org.gradle.api.plugins.UnknownPluginException: Plugin with id ‘CustomPlugin’ not found”. I wish to know if there is a solution/workaround using plugin extension at buildscript section for build.gradle.kts?
Thank you very much!