I am working on one gradle script and using gradle 2.3.I am able to read the version from version.properties file in my gradle script.I have one task below which basically untar the zip file but I am giving the hardcoded value of zip file.How could I use the value of version variable inside that task.
I am fetching the jar files from artifactory in below manner but it is fetching only the top version of the jar file e.g. if foo is having 1.0 & 1.2 it is fetching only 1.2 jar file.Please let me know what is the issue
apply plugin: 'java’
apply plugin: ‘base’//-- set the group for publishing
group = ‘com.truvenhealth.carediscovery’/**
- Initializing GAVC settings
def buildProperties = new Properties()
file(“version.properties”).withInputStream {
stream -> buildProperties.load(stream)
//add the jenkins build version to the version
def env = System.getenv()
if (env[“BUILD_NUMBER”]) buildProperties.carediscoveryadBuildVersion += "_${env[“BUILD_NUMBER”]}"
version = buildProperties.carediscoveryadBuildVersion
println “${version}”
//name is set in the settings.gradle file
group = "com.truvenhealth.carediscovery"
version = buildProperties.carediscoveryadBuildVersion
println “Building ${project.group}:${project.name}”repositories {
maven {
url “http://cmxxx2art.tsh.thomson.com:8070/artifactory/services-release-local”
}dependencies {
runtime "carediscovery.services:PublishOpportunityReadService:1.1@jar"
runtime "carediscovery.services:PublishedOpportunityReadService:1.1@jar"
runtime “carediscovery.services:AnalysisListService:1.0@jar”
}task copyDeps(type: Copy) {
from configurations.runtime
into ‘services/carediscovery/services/’
}task deletebuild(type: Delete, dependsOn: copyDeps){
def dirNamebuild = "/build/"
delete dirNamebuild
}task buildreportZip(type: Zip, dependsOn: deletebuild) {
from(‘data’) {
into ‘data’
}from('sql') { into 'sql' } from('services') { into 'services' }
task deleteGraphicsAssets(type: Delete, dependsOn: buildreportZip) {
def dirName = "/applications/repositories/application-data/"
delete dirNamedoLast { file(dirName).mkdirs() }
task unzip(type: Copy, dependsOn: deleteGraphicsAssets) {
version = buildProperties.carediscoveryadBuildVersion
println “${version}“
def zipFile = file(‘build/distributions/cdad-03_00_00_131.zip’)
def outputDir = file(”/applications/repositories/application-data/”)
from zipTree(zipFile)
into outputDir
dirMode 0755
}// for publishing to artifactory
artifacts {
archives buildreportZip
} - Initializing GAVC settings