I am trying to extract files (and sub folders) out of zip file and upload to Nexus.
I have Gradle task that extracts subfolders and files from zip file and put them in another folder.
task unzip(type:Copy) {
def sourceFolder = file(‘source_folder’)
def outputFolder = file(‘dest_folder’)
from zipTree(sourceFolder)
into outputFolder
This extracts the subfolders (and files under) from zip file to “dest_folder”. Now, I want to add uploadArchives using mavenDeployer and upload all the subfolders (and files) in “dest_folder” to Nexsus. Is this correct way to upload the subfolders (and contents)?
configurations { deployjars }
artifacts {
deployjars file("dest_folder")
uploadArchives {
repositories {
mavenDeployer {
configuration = configurations.deployjars
repository(url:"Nexus server") {
pom.version = 'MyVersion'
pom.artifactId = 'MyArtifact'