I’m in the process of upgrading a set of gradle scripts from 1.3 to 3.5. In one of the sub-projects the build.gradle adds a bunch of .png files as artifacts using a custom task. In 1.3, this works fine, but in 3.5, I get the following error:
Execution failed for task ':c.t.p:install'.
> Could not publish configuration 'archives'
> A POM cannot have multiple artifacts with the same type and classifier. Already have MavenArtifact avatar:image:png:null, trying to add MavenArtifact avatar:image:png:null.
In the sub-project build.gradle:
artifactoryPublish {
properties {
webConfig 'c.c.w.c.t.p:c.t.p:*:*@css', deployDirectory: 'c/s/c/t/p'
webConfig 'c.c.w.c.t.p:c.t.p:*:*@png', deployDirectory: 'c/s/c/t/p/images'
webConfig 'c.c.w.c.t.p:c.t.p:*:*@gif', deployDirectory: 'c/s/c/t/p/images'
compileResources {
inputs.files fileTree(dir: "${rootDir}/../Web/c/s/c/t/p/images", include: '*.*')
outputs.file file("${buildDir}/c/s/c/t/p/images")
In the main build.gradle:
task compileResources {
doLast {
def target = getOutputs().getFiles().getSingleFile()
inputs.files.each { File file ->
// Copy files to build directory
ant.copy(todir: target, file: file)
// Add the copied file as an artifact.
def artifactName = file.name.replaceAll( '(.min)|(.xml)|(.gif)|(.jpg)|(.png)|(.html)', '' )
def artifactType = ''
def artifactExtension = ''
def artifactFile = new File(target, file.name)
if (file.name.endsWith('.xml'))
artifactType = 'xml'
artifactExtension = 'xml'
else if (file.name.endsWith('.gif'))
artifactType = 'image'
artifactExtension = 'gif'
else if (file.name.endsWith('.jpg'))
artifactType = 'image'
artifactExtension = 'jpg'
else if (file.name.endsWith('.png'))
artifactType = 'image'
artifactExtension = 'png'
else if (file.name.endsWith('.html'))
artifactType = 'html'
artifactExtension = 'html'
addCustomArtifact(project, artifactName, artifactExtension, artifactType, artifactFile, null)
def addCustomArtifact(Project project, String artifactName, String artifactExtension, String artifactType, File artifactFile, String artifactClassifier)
new DefaultPublishArtifact(artifactName, artifactExtension, artifactType, artifactClassifier, new Date(), artifactFile)
Does anyone have any pointers to what I need to do (or what documentation to read) to resolve this error? Is there more information I need to supply? Have I run into a bug?
Oh, in case it matters, the main build.gradle does a “apply plugin: ‘maven’”. I tried replacing that with the maven-publish plugin, but that generated a whole bunch of other errors.
Thanks in advance.