I’m having a problem with dependency resolution. After upgrading derby and hibernate (which is only used in the :database subproject), gradle is still pulling in old versions, and that is causing issues. Part of the build.gradle:
dependencies {
implementation "org.apache.derby:derby:${derbyVersion}"
implementation "org.apache.derby:derbynet:${derbyVersion}"
implementation "org.apache.derby:derbyclient:${derbyVersion}"
implementation "org.apache.derby:derbyshared:${derbyVersion}"
implementation ("org.hibernate:hibernate-core:${hibernateVersion}"){
exclude group: "javax.el"
implementation "org.hibernate:hibernate-validator:${hibernateValidatorVersion}"
implementation project(":api")
implementation project(":util")
implementation project(":common")
implementation project(":foundation")
testImplementation project(":json")
testImplementation project(":email")
testImplementation project(":api").sourceSets.test.output
Versions variables are defined as:
derbyVersion = ""
hibernateValidatorVersion = "6.0.16.Final"
hibernateVersion = "5.4.2.Final"
And the result of gradle dependencies for :database:
| +--- project :database
| | +--- org.apache.derby:derby: ->
| | +--- org.apache.derby:derbynet:
| | | \--- org.apache.derby:derby: ->
| | +--- org.apache.derby:derbyclient:
| | +--- org.apache.derby:derbyshared:
| | +--- org.hibernate:hibernate-core:5.4.2.Final -> 5.3.9.Final (*)
| | +--- org.hibernate:hibernate-validator:6.0.16.Final
| | | \--- org.hibernate.validator:hibernate-validator:6.0.16.Final (*)
| | +--- project :api (*)
| | +--- project :util (*)
| | +--- project :common (*)
| | \--- project :foundation (*)
How can I find out the reason for -> The :database subproject is only a few classes, and nowhere else in the system is derby or hibernate used. If there were another transitive dependency relying on derby 10.14.x, I would expect that to be in the tree (as it is if I do the same with maven).
More info: using dependencyInsight, I got the following output, but “selected by rule” doesn’t explain why it picked The subprojects :usersession and server only have a dependency on the :database subproject, not derby or hibernate itself.
gradle dependencyInsight --configuration compile --dependency derby
> Task :dependencyInsight
org.apache.derby:derby: (selected by rule)
variant "runtime" [
org.gradle.status = release (not requested)
org.gradle.usage = java-runtime (not requested)
org.gradle.category = library (not requested)
org.apache.derby:derby: ->
+--- project :database
| +--- project :server
| | +--- compile
| | +--- project :app
| | | \--- compile
| | +--- project :client
| | | +--- compile
| | | \--- project :app (*)
| | +--- project :headline
| | | \--- project :client (*)
| | \--- project :pdf_puzzles
| | \--- project :client (*)
| \--- project :usersession
| \--- project :server (*)
\--- org.apache.derby:derbynet:
\--- project :database (*)