I have a custom task that produces a file, and I’m trying to declare this as an artifact. Here’s my custom task:
class ConcatFiles extends DefaultTask {
FileCollection files
File target
void concat() {
files.each { file ->
task buildWindowsInstaller(type: ConcatFiles) {
files = files('src/installer/native/7zS.sfx', 'src/installer/native/config.txt', build7zaArchive)
target = file("$buildDir/distributions/setup.exe")
doLast {
// some code signing stuff
I thought I could wire setup.exe
as an artifact. Here’s how I declared it:
artifacts {
archives buildWindowsInstaller
But when I try to run this:
* What went wrong:
A problem occurred evaluating project ':com.elsten.bliss.build.base'.
> Cannot convert the provided notation to an object of type PublishArtifact: task ':com.elsten.bliss.build.base:buildWindowsInstaller'.
The following types/formats are supported:
- Instances of PublishArtifact.
- Instances of AbstractArchiveTask, for example jar..
- Maps
- Instances of File.
I thought target
was the output, and was an instance of file?
I can use the output from buildWindowsInstaller'
as the input to a Copy
task in the from