I’m testing Gradle to see if it suits my needs.
So, in my test project, I have subprojects test-war and test-jar. The test-jar is a Java project which creates a jar. The test-war is a web project which depends on test-jar (it will include test-jar in its WEB-INF/lib).
The test-jar has a compile dependency on a 3rd party jar.
test-war => test-jar => 3rdparty-jar.
The test-war/build.gradle looks like this:
apply plugin: 'war'
dependencies {
compile project('test-jar') {
transitive = false
The test-jar looks like this:
apply plugin: 'java'
dependencies {
compile name: '3rdparty-jar', group: 'somegroup', version: 'latest.integration'
With this setting, the test-jar goes into the WEB-INF/lib of test-war. But the problem is that the 3rdparty-jar goes to WEB-INF/lib as well and I don’t want it there (it goes to ear’s APP-INF/lib).
Does the "transitive=false’ not work with project dependencies?