II. in a folder of my project using tomcat plugin ran
gradle tomcatRun
Result I can connect to port 29999 when gradle build is being executed, but then VM dies and trying to reconnect fails, even though tomcat is indeed running.
Problem analysis This to me indecates that GRADLE picks up the debug parameter instead of passing it to tomcat’s plugin JVM. The same problem is with Jetty plugin.
System parameters OS: Ubuntu 11.04 - the Natty Narwhal
This should work for the Jetty and the Tomcat plugin. Both plugins use an embedded container implementation that runs in the same JVM as Gradle. Do you see the following output when executing tomcatRun?
Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 29999
Thank you for the replay, Benjamin. Yes, I do see it and actually able to connect to a JVM, but breakpoints do not work. It might an issue with our custom eclipse plugin.