I’m trying to update my build from Gradle 4.10 to 5.3, but I’m blocked by the need to upload artifacts to our Maven repository. Version 4.10 works perfectly, but when I update to any 5.x release, the task hangs. When I run witn --info, the last thing I see is “Downloading: com/mycompany/myproject/myproject-devel/maven-metadata.xml from repository remote at scp://myhost/var/www/maven/repo/” and
“Transferring 2K from remote”. Then nothing. If I log on to the server, it does look like artifacts have been published, but the build hangs. Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?
I know the old maven plugin has been replaced with maven-publish, but until it supports private key authentication, I can’t use it, so I either need to figure out how to make private keys work with the new maven-publish plugin (preferred), or how to get the old plugin working with Gradle 5.
I appreciate any pointers you might have,