v0.0.14 of mrJar introduces an Eclipse Modulfier feature
No biggie @Graou74. That Eclipse script I shared with you, I’ve been using in Visual Studio Code a lot for the past several months. So out of habit I add it to every new project I create. I’d actually forgotten that I’d bundled it into that one project I’d uploaded for you until the next day.
It is a hassle to copy a script into every new project. Isn’t it? So I went ahead and incorporated Eclipse/VS Code plug-and-playability into mrJar v0.0.14. So using VS Code/Eclipse should be a little less of a pain in the butt for me with this.
There are three ways to modulfy Eclipse with this new mrJar feature. Here’s a video showing the main way that I prefer to use it myself:
The Solution
First — before I import my project into VS Code (which is really just Eclipse-lite) — I apply the mrJar plugin to my
…plugins{ ... id 'java-library' id 'eclipse' id 'com.lingocoder.mrjar' version '0.0.14' ... }
Then I import the existing Gradle project like normal
That’s all there is to it! Eclipse has now been modulefied!
Or it’s also possible to modulefy an existing VS Code/Eclipse project. Doing it that way, there are two options:
- Do nothing and let mrJar automatically apply the modulefication, lazily, to the project
- Explicitly call the
task like normal (after applying mrJar inbuild.gradle
, of course)
Feel free to try mrJar out for yourself, @Graou74. In addition to this new Eclipse module enabling feature, release v0.0.14 also fixes a bug I discovered the other day.